I had the opportunity of trying out Chalkola’s Chalk Markers and their rustic Chalkboard. I was so excited when I received them in the mail – I really needed a creative way of writing to aid me in teaching my children at home. Surah started her journey to virtual school, so Chakola’s chalk markers and chalkboard are a perfect addition to this journey. I use it in a variety of ways; sometimes to go over today’s date with her, the word of the day, the color of the day and sometimes it’s perfect to let her creativity flow at drawing time. She has a blast using this.
What’s amazing about these chalk markers by Chalkola is that they are child-safe, water based, non-toxic and washes off from clothes. I also learned that they are low odor, acid and xylene free which is important when little ones get their hands on these. The quality is amazing as they are quick dry and long lasting.
Another thing I learned is that Chalkola’s Chalk Markers are not limited to chalkboards. They can be used on whiteboards, blackboard, windows, glass, ceramics and other non-porous surfaces. This gives it versatility and was an extra bonus for me because as a mom of two, I tend to use a lot of whiteboards at home. I have 3 in their home classroom, I have 2 on the fridge and now I have my very handy and pretty rustic chalkboard by Chakola.

- I start off with a clean and dry chalkboard surface.
- Before you starting using them, be sure to shake well with cap on for at least 30 seconds. You want to avoid having blotchy or leaky colors. Doing this in an up-right position is best.
- Press the tip firmly on a piece of paper before the board to get the liquid flowing out evenly.
- It’s better to prepare your design ahead of time if you want to use it for something a bit more fancy
- Have some Q-tips handy to wipe away mistakes – I wet mine a little
- And lastly, when you like to wipe your design simply use a damp rag and then wipe it with a dry microfiber cloth to take away excessive dust or residue
My Overall Experience
I enjoy creative additions to my daily life. I carefully decide which items are worth adding to our routine and our peaceful environment that we create at home. Now with virtual schooling, that environment at home is even more important. Chalkola is one of those perfectly creative additions that add a sparkle to our daily lives.