Unfortunately, flu season is just around the corner. Boo!! I know. I know. You are not happy to hear that. But rest assured there are many things we can do to tackle flu season. We first must start from our own little homes and teach our kids better health habits. There is nothing worse than seeing our babies under the weather (or god forbid worse). So here is a list of 10 health habits you can remind your children about.
5 Good Health Habits To Tackle Flu Season
- Avoid Close Contact
- Keep distance is crucial, especially during the flu season. Sometimes you cannot tell if someone else is sick, they can easily spread it to you and vice versa. I know it is difficult to remind children to maintain distant from their friends and others but it is our job as parents to help them learn at an early age. One of my mama friends avoids taking her kids to day care during the entire season. I think that is a great idea if you can find an alternative arrangement such as having a family member or a single-baby sitter during this crucial time.
- Clean Hands Thoroughly
- Kids are carriers of germs. Teaching and remind them to wash or sanitize their hands thoroughly is so important. Try to make it a fun activity instead of a drag. Sing a song, do a little dance all the way to the sink, or let them play with bubbles from the soap. Wash when possible and sanitize other times. Teach kids to also avoid touching their eyes, mouth and nose.
- Cover Cough/Sneeze
- A good health habit is to think of those around you. Think of it as teamwork and not just protecting your own but rather we should prevent our sickness or germs from spread as well. Teach your kids early on to cover their cover or sneeze. This is one of the fastest ways of spreading germs from one child to another. Teach them to cover with their arm and not their hand. Teach them to use a tissue paper or better yet always have a tissue handy, put a little pack in their pocket.
- Disinfect
- Preventing the spread of germs by disinfecting surfaces is very effective. Use a disinfecting wipe or spray on all surfaces but I do encourage you reading what ingredients are put in the product you use. This is especially important disinfecting surfaces your child might be their mouth on such as a toy, a play table or their hard cover book. I have done quite some research and one of the safest ones on the market is by Babyganics.
- Stay Home If Sick
- I know many moms cringe knowing their child is missing one too many days of school. They worry they will be behind of much classwork. But remember you are choosing health over everything else. By keeping your child home, you are not only protecting other children, teachers and parents, you are also allowing your child to rest and heal at home. You are giving your child the care they deserve during this rough time.
Product Recommendation: Babyganics is all about baby-safe products which is why I simply love them. I have stocked up and here is what I recommend, you will thank me later.
Flu Shot Note \ I think parents should be given full discretion on this topic. What you put in your body or deciding for your children is a personal matter. I have yet to decide solely because vaccines include suspect ingredients. But if you are curious, I have not given Surah the shot nor have I taken it for myself though my husband has. I encourage you to research and educate yourself on this topic and vaccines in general and do not follow something just because it is the norm. Almost every government agency or business that benefit from the flu shot encourage taking it, which is why I would like you to see a different perspective by reading more about what Dr. David Williams has to say.